At True Ascend Capital Solutions Private Limited, we strive to ensure our customers are happy with the products and services we provide. However, we understand that sometimes you may need to cancel an order or return a product or service.

For this reason, we have a Cancellation & Refund Policy in place. This policy outlines how cancellations and refunds are handled, so please read this page carefully before ordering.


If you need to cancel an order, please contact us immediately. We will attempt to cancel your order as quickly as possible, however, we cannot guarantee that your order can be cancelled before it has been processed.

If your order has already been processed, it will be subject to our return policy (see below).


If you would like to return a product or service, please contact us immediately. We will assess each request on a case-by-case basis and may approve or deny your request.

If your request is approved, we will provide you with instructions on how to return your product or service. You are responsible for the costs associated with returning the product or service.

Once we receive your returned product or service, we will process a refund. Refunds typically take 3-5 business days to process, however, this may vary depending on your financial institution.

Please note that all refunds are subject to our standard return policy.


We reserve the right to change our Cancellation & Refund Policy at any time. If any changes are made, we will post them on this page.

If you have any questions about our Cancellation & Refund Policy, please contact us.

Thank you for choosing True Ascend Capital Solutions Private Limited!